Wednesday, December 11, 2013


    Leaving you behind me
    Has caused me to notice things

    The sun still sets 
    Floral hues shine brighter
    I pause more 
    When you're gone

    I listen 
    Music moves me to tears again
    I stand in awe of beautiful things
    Living life humbles me

    I want to feel
    Even when I don't choose to
    I feel 

    The loss of my old friend
    How do I mourn thee
    I don't

    I am not sorry
    I did not say goodbye
    I had to go and you know it
    With you I die

    I will never

    I choose life

    I am now safe
    From you
    I no longer cling to you
    To fill every need

    I no longer run, hide, strive
    Negotiate, wrestle, lie...
    With you

    I just be
    I just BE