Monday, March 5, 2018

My Process

If you have never been lonely
You are more alone
Than me

If all your time is full
You are not your own
Best Friend

If you've never doubted
If you've never wondered, wandered
You don't know where home really is

If life is too easy
You haven't lived
One minute

If you don't question everything
You have nothing

If you haven't been restless
You are not well

I've been both dead, and alive
Second chances
Are my way of life

I wonder, I wander
I search, I seek
I keep on living, keep on loving

Whispers of judgments
Hover in the air
Surrounding my freedom

I've gotten so skilled
Learning to reject
What doesn't serve me well

It's not easy to accept
All of my

I will keep going
Where the green grass is greener
I will be a dream chaser

All of my life
I will soak up, I will soak in
The sun

It's the sun that keeps calling
Again each morning
I wake up

To live