Friday, January 1, 2016

This World

So much of it
I have to stop 
Take a conscious breath
I can't make it past my throat 

Empathy consumes me
I sit still. Across from
Person after person after person
I see the glistening tears well up
Sad, sad eyes - pain filled lives 

Because our species is
So completely fucked up
Enslaved by addiction
Victimizing our children 
Perpetuating The Cycle

Our trauma unites us
It's so fucking universal
I see it on everyone's face
Part of what makes us One

I want to love it right out of you
I want to let you do the same for me
Will we ever be safe enough?
I believe in Healing. 
Not as some miracle.

It's dirty work
So let's dig in
Start shoveling that shit
It's got no place cluttering up 
Our souls